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Output details

11 - Computer Science and Informatics

University of Westminster

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Chapter title

Application repository and science gateway for running molecular docking and dynamics simulations

C - Chapter in book
Publisher of book
IOS Press
Book title
Healthgrid applications and technologies meet science gateways for life sciences
ISBN of book
Year of publication
Number of additional authors
Additional information

<02>Originality: A new in silico methodology for life science, based on gateways onto grids and clouds, avoids the need for scientists to have advanced computing knowledge by hiding technical details.

Significance: Molecular docking studies are important in molecular biology, eg. drug design. Computer simulation can help focus, steer or even replace expensive and laborious “wet” laboratory experiments, resulting not only in considerable resource savings but also increasing research throughput. Previous in silico methods required scientists to have sophisticated technical knowledge that discouraged take-up.

Rigour: A reference implementation for a particular biological scenario has demonstrated the feasibility of the approach.

Cross-referral requested
Research group
Proposed double-weighted
Double-weighted statement
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English abstract