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Output details

36 - Communication, Cultural and Media Studies, Library and Information Management

Bath Spa University

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Directing multi-platform storytelling

T - Other form of assessable output
Brief description of type
Research project outcomes including industry forums and workshops
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Origins, Context, Questions:

The research explored challenges in directing performance across multiple platforms. Given the centrality of the director to performance and moving image productions, researchers need to develop and articulate an awareness of emergent working practices across 360-degree storytelling platforms. In this context, the research asked: how is the director’s process being transformed as the industry shifts from single-platform screen, stage and online productions towards multi-platform storytelling environments?

The body of work investigated as part of this research received support from The National Theatre Wales (NTW), the Pervasive Media Studio, The British Council and the University of the West of England SPUR scheme.


The research involved a series of mini-investigations, conducted by Soyinka through her industry practice as an emergent director on Branches, The Nature of Crisis (2012) and her experimental work as a director on a Waleslab multiplatform pilot (2011). Throughout the investigation, Soyinka recorded ethnographic notes and video which she used as tools for reflexive analysis and discussion.


Soyinka observed significant differences between cultural practices in “single” and multi-platform productions. In single platform theatre productions, the technical team is often consulted towards the end of the rehearsal process, whereas, in multi-platform productions, the technologists would expect to be included in creative decisions at an early stage. The multiplatform director, thus, generally demanded a greater versatility from the crew and production team than would normally be expected. Actors, for example, had to quickly adapt their performances across platforms and new, hybrid roles emerged, including a writer-technologist employed to “perform” live text messages sent to audience members.


In addition to the creative outputs themselves, the research was shared through specialist industry forums and presentations. This included a live video link up with interactive artists from Casablanca organised by the British Council and NTW in 2013.

Cross-referral requested
Research group
Proposed double-weighted
Double-weighted statement
Reserve for a double-weighted output
English abstract