Impact (REF3a/b)
1 - Clinical Medicine
University of Southampton
Impact template (REF3a)
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Individual case studies
A genetic predictor of progression in a common chronic leukaemia (64K)
A new anti-doping test to detect Growth Hormone misuse in sport (71K)
Breathing New Life into the Treatment of Respiratory Illnesses (75K)
Developing a Better Understanding of Omega-3 Fats, Inflammation and Disease (65K)
Metal fume and infectious pneumonia (66K)
MUST: A new tool for combating malnutrition in the UK and overseas (87K)
New gene mapping tools (75K)
Nutrition, developmental epigenetics and lifelong health (112K)
Redirecting the global search for an Alzheimer’s cure (69K)
Setting the standard in lymphoma therapy (72K)
The Role of Vitamin D in Reducing Osteoporotic Fractures (70K)
Therapeutic application of skeletal stem cells for patient benefit (70K)
Transforming severe asthma therapy (70K)
Treatment of cancer with monoclonal antibodies (176K)
Universal newborn screening for permanent hearing impairment (64K)