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Output details

34 - Art and Design: History, Practice and Theory

University of Ulster

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Title and brief description

'Linen Diaspora'

M - Exhibition
Beinnale Internationale du lin de Portneuf Quebec, Moulin de La Chevrotière
Year of first exhibition
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Fleming was appointed the first international curator of The Biennale Internationale du Lin de Portneuf (BILP) as a result of a competitive International call.

Historiographic research produced a complex proposal and literature review. The thematic approach Fleming submitted was judged innovative in North American applied art curation in that it moved away from qualities in the material itself. instead she worked with artists to research a common legacy closely tied to flax production, passed on by Huguenots exiled from France in the 17th century was presented. The curatorial concept did not, therefore limit to work that literally included linen. It featured 12 works by 14 creators from Canada and Ireland who are recognised for their excellence in their practice of crafts or applied arts. Negotiating cultural and technical differences in understanding of artisanat and craft also contributed to the field. The curatorial approach included incubating collaboration in two bodies of work.

A further curation of the event will be presented at the RSPACE Gallery in August 2012 as a key exhibition in the August Craft Month.

With the BILP organization Fleming co-authored presentations and filmed talks. ‘Linen Diaspora’, developed Fleming’s previous curation of an exhibition at the Smithsonian Institute, Washington in 2007. An edit of that exhibition, which was funded by a Lottery Award, was shown in Kamouraska Museum, Quebec to coincide with the Bienniale in 2011. Fleming and BILP made successful grant applications to British Council and Canadian Arts Council to secure the operating budget of around CDN $70000 in the preparation phase and CDN $225,000 in realization. Fleming was additionally awarded British Council funds (CAN$2500) for a ‘COLLABORATIVE PROJECTS IN THE ARTS’ to undertake research visits in 2010. BILP is a multidisciplinary event that produces bilingual paper promotional tools, a catalogue and films and archives on line.

Cross-referral requested
Research group
C - Creative Ecologies
Proposed double-weighted
Double-weighted statement
Reserve for a double-weighted output
English abstract