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34 - Art and Design: History, Practice and Theory

University of Wolverhampton

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Q - Digital or visual media
Bedford Interactive
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Brief Description

Labanotation (a movement notation system) is traditionally hand-drawn and paper based. Here the notation is computer generated and scrolls alongside the moving dancer showing precise interaction between performance and score. It forms part of a resource pack publication on DVD ROM for ‘effortless and detailed analysis of the dance footage’.

Research Rationale

Jacqueline Smith-Autard is acknowledged as a world-leading exponent in dance education. Her work with Jim Schofield, in the context of Bedford Interactive, has resulted in revolutionary developments in the use of technology to extend and enhance dance pedagogy. The published outcomes of this unique partnership continue to push boundaries in development of dance education. The Labanotation score for Vocalise is part of this ground-breaking work.

Strategies Undertaken

The continual scrolling of the notation demanding re-thinking of specific aspects of the notation system e.g. normal use of page endings, start positions on the new page, repeat signs, pre-signs and so on. The analytical process for notation also had to change because of the precise interaction between dancer and notation score. Normally choreographic intention is notated, preferably during the creative/rehearsal process; here it was the recorded performance being notated which necessitated much closer observation and subsequent recording of individual nuance.

Cross-referral requested
Research group
E - Creative Processes in the Performing Arts
Proposed double-weighted
Double-weighted statement
Reserve for a double-weighted output
English abstract