Staff members (REF1a/c)
7 - Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences
University of Liverpool
- 1 - Earth Science
- 1 - Earth Science
- 1 - Earth Science
- 1 - Earth Science
- 1 - Earth Science
- 1 - Earth Science
- 2 - Oceans and Climate
- 1 - Earth Science
- 1 - Earth Science
- 1 - Earth Science
- 1 - Earth Science
- 2 - Oceans and Climate
- 2 - Oceans and Climate
- 3 - Ecology and Marine Biology
- None
Research is primarily focused in UoA7 (Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences) in the measuring and understanding of oceanic turbulence and mixing; using ocean gliders as a novel measurement platform; integration of ocean observations and numerical models to better understand shelf sea and coastal dynamics; and understanding physical controls on biogeochemical cycles and primary production of phytoplankton
The individual is a member of the University of Liverpool research group Shelf Sea Physics and Biogeochemistry. Links with Category A staff include joint supervision of two PhD studentships (2013), and co-investigator on a two NERC-funded grant awarded to Prof Jonathan Sharples (FASTNET 2011, and CANDYFLOSS (2013).
- 3 - Ecology and Marine Biology
- 1 - Earth Science
- 3 - Ecology and Marine Biology
- 1 - Earth Science
- 2 - Oceans and Climate
- 2 - Oceans and Climate
- 3 - Ecology and Marine Biology
- 2 - Oceans and Climate
- 2 - Oceans and Climate
Research is primarily focused in UoA7 (Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences). Current research includes
(1) the study of changes in sea level affected by melting glaciers and ice sheets (e.g., Alaska, Greenland, Antarctica);
(2) continuing adjustment of the Earth system to previous glacial cycles (glacial isostatic adjustment or GIA);
(3) sea level variations and crustal motion cause by atmospheric and hydrological loading
This individual is a member of the University’s research group Oceans and Climate, and contributor to the Research Centre for Marine Sciences and Climate Change (2011) and Earth and Ocean Sciences seminar series (2008-09).
- None
Research is primarily focused in submitting unit UoA7 (Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences) with research into advancing the application of acoustics to the measurement of sediment transport processes, and developing the theoretical framework for understanding the interaction of sound with suspensions of marine sediments and inversion techniques to extract sediment parameters from the backscattered signal.
This individual is a Visiting Professor in the School of Environmental Sciences, and a member of the Centre for Marine Sciences and Climate Change. He co-supervised (with Category A staff) a student who completed their doctorate in 2010/11.
- 2 - Oceans and Climate
- 1 - Earth Science
- 2 - Oceans and Climate
- 2 - Oceans and Climate
- None
Research is primarily focused in UoA7 (Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences) with studies of sea level variations from time scales of hours (e.g. tides) through to long term changes as a result of climate change using tide gauge, satellite altimeter and space gravity data; development of sea level monitoring networks globally (GLOSS) in the UK, South Atlantic and Africa; and sea level measurement technology (e.g. state-of-the-art tide gauges). Research interests include aspects of fundamental physics and Liverpool maritime history.
This individual is a Visiting Professor of the School of Environmental Sciences, and member of the Centre for Marine Sciences and Climate Change. He co-supervised (with Category A staff) a student who completed their doctorate in 2010/11.