Outputs (REF2)
25 - Education
University of Edinburgh
Showing outputs 1 - 50 of 134
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Studies in Higher Education
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Cambridge Journal of Education
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
International Studies in Sociology of Education
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
British Educational Research Journal
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Research Papers in Education
Output type
D - Journal article
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Developmental Review
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Industry and Higher Education
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
London Review of Education
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Studies in Higher Education
Output type
C - Chapter in book
Volume title
The SAGE Handbook of Educational Action Research
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
International Studies in Sociology of Education
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Journal of Urban Health
Output type
D - Journal article
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
International Journal of Lifelong Education
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
Output type
A - Authored book
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Higher Education
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Interface : a Journal for and about Social Movements
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Educational Review
Output type
A - Authored book
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Children's Geographies
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Oxford Review of Education
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Teachers and Teaching; Theory and Practice
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Journal of Curriculum Studies
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Journal of Cognition and Culture
Output type
E - Conference contribution
Volume title
Proceedings of IDC 2011 - 10th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Education et Sociétés
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Oxford Review of Education
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Studies in Higher Education
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Journal of Education Policy
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Child Care in Practice
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Social Policy and Society
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
British Journal of Sociology of Education
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
European Journal of Special Needs Education
Output type
D - Journal article
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
English for Specific Purposes
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
TESOL Quarterly
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
International Journal of Lifelong Education
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
British Educational Research Journal
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Curriculum Journal
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Studies in Higher Education
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Higher Education
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Journal of Writing Research
Output type
A - Authored book
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Teaching in Higher Education
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Journal of Education Policy
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
British Journal of Sociology of Education
Output type
D - Journal article
Volume title
Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties
Showing outputs 1 - 50 of 134