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16 - Architecture, Built Environment and Planning

University of Westminster

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Title or brief description

Rattenbury, K. and Hardingham, S. (eds.) Supercrit # 3 Richard Rogers: The Pompidou Centre, and Rattenbury, K. ‘Preview,’ pp. 15-22. London: Routledge, 2012. ISBN 978-0-415-45786-6

Hardingham, S. and Rattenbury, K. (eds.) Supercrit # 4: Bernard Tschumi: Parc de la Villette and ‘Preview,’ pp. 13-15. London: Routledge, 2012.

ISBN 978-0-415-457878-0

Rattenbury, K., Hamman, C. and Visnjic, F. SuperCrits

<> Website including edited and annotated videos of Supercrit # 5: Rem Koolhaas: Delirious New York, Supercrit # 6:Leon Krier: Poundbury, Supercrit # 7:Michael Wilford: Staatsgalerie, Stuttgart.

T - Other form of assessable output
Supercrit # 3 - 7
Brief description of type
Portfolio and two books
Number of additional authors
Additional information

The Supercrit series aimed to combine lively and informative student events with international critical debate at the highest level. The series began with the selection and staging of public events. These brought some of the world's greatest architects back into a teaching environment to present one of their most influential projects to a panel of international critics and a studio audience, as though they were students presenting their work at a design crit. These events were recorded and published in carefully edited, illustrated and annotated formats, accompanied by critical essays. The first were published in book form, the latter on line. The project aimed to extend critical discussion of some of the seminal projects of recent architectural history, to question and explore the emerging history around them with the benefit of hindsight and to introduce a new generation of design students to them in a way that was both lively and rigorously academic. It took advantage of the presence of the designers of the buildings and some of their most influential critics to generate a new forum for critical debate. The methodology fused several modes of architectural critique - the student crit, the critical journalistic review, the edited transcript. The material so produced was then treated as highly academic subject matter, with meticulous editing, extensive picture research, accompanying essays, bibliographies, appendices etc. to produce the books. The events were all run in collaboration with The Architecture Foundation, and Supercrit 7 with Tate Britain and the Canadian Centre for Architecture. Supercrits #1 - #4 are published as books by Routledge in a series designed by John Morgan Studio; Supercrits #5 - #7 are published online in a custom-built web format devised by EXP which now hosts the whole series.

Cross-referral requested
Research group
Proposed double-weighted
Double-weighted statement
Reserve for a double-weighted output
English abstract