Research groups (RG)
10 - Mathematical Sciences
University of Cambridge
- 1 - Biological Physics
- A - Category Theory
- B - Representation Theory and Communicative Algebra
- C - Group Theory
- D - Geometric Topology
- E - Differential/Symplectic Geometry
- F - Algebraic Geometry
- G - Analysis and PDEs
- H - Combinatorics, including Additive Combinatorics
- I - Number Theory (algebraic and computational)
- J - Probability
- K - Statistics
- L - Operational Research (including Game Theory)
- M - Financial Mathematics
- N - Quantum Information
- O - Particle Physics including Lattics Gauge Theory
- P - Cosmology
- Q - General Relativity incl Extra Dimensional & Numerical Relativity
- R - Mathematical Physics
- S - String Theory, Xtra Dim. Phys, Supersymmetry & Scattering Ampl
- T - Applied Analysis
- U - Computational Analysis
- V - Astrophysical Fluids
- W - Quantum Fluids
- X - Fluid Dynamics
- Y - Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, incl atmosphaeric & oceanography
- Z - Computational/ Mathematics Biology