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35 - Music, Drama, Dance and Performing Arts

Bath Spa University

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Title and brief description

Vanishing Point

I - Performance
Illinois State University, Normal IL, USA
Year of first performance
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Vanishing Point is an audiovisual composition with audio and video components produced by Hyde, and forms part of an ongoing strand in his research into Visual Music, specifically attempting to extend principles derived from Pierre Shaeffer's idea of reduced (acousmatic) listening to multimedia work, an idea for which Hyde has coined the term Visual Suspension. The piece was commissioned by CCRMA, Stanford University, for their Digital Stage concert series. The premiere was accompanied by a paper delivered by Hyde on his practice in audiovisual composition. Hyde's research into Visual Suspension was further developed in a paper delivered at the 2011 Visible Bits, Audible Bytes symposium at DeMontfort University and the 2011 Understanding Visual Music conference at Concordia University, Montreal, entitled 'Visual Suspension and Audiovisual Acousmatics: Noise and Silence in Visual Music'. It was further developed and detailed in Hyde, J., (2012) 'Musique Concrète Thinking in Visual Music Practice: Audiovisual Silence and Noise, Reduced Listening and Visual Suspension'. Organised Sound, 17/2: pp. 170-178.

Cross-referral requested
Research group
Proposed double-weighted
Double-weighted statement
Reserve for a double-weighted output
English abstract