Impact (REF3a/b)
6 - Agriculture, Veterinary and Food Science
University of Nottingham
Impact template (REF3a)
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All impact case studies
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Individual case studies
Advancing analgesic use in cattle (99K)
British Dairy Herd National Mastitis Control Scheme. The "DairyCo Mastitis Control Plan" (85K)
Creation of new ingredients for the food industry (109K)
Developing tools to restore fertility in dairy cows (225K)
Development of diagnostic systems for plant diseases (70K)
Improving farm business performance using Farm Business Survey on-line benchmarking (60K)
Improving sensory science capability through industry training (98K)
Improving wheat yield and quality by optimising crop management strategies (88K)
Influencing national and international health policies on early life nutrition. (74K)
Optimising the production and processing of animal feeds (64K)
Prevention of dry period infections in dairy cows (83K)
Transferring biopolymer technology to the food industry (68K)