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Output details

29 - English Language and Literature

King's College London

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Book title

The Intellectual Culture of Puritan Women, 1558-1680

B - Edited book
Publisher of book
Palgrave Macmillan
ISBN of book
Year of publication
Number of additional authors
Additional information

Along with her co-editor, Scott-Baumann designed this collection of fifteen essays and guided it from conception to publication. They planned the collection’s coverage, approached each contributor and commissioned an essay on a particular woman, edited the essays and responded to reader reports, compiled the index and bibliography and corrected page proofs. Scott-Baumann worked particularly closely with contributors Longfellow, Wiseman, Connolly, Purkiss, Smith and Norbrook, making editorial, stylistic and more substantial suggestions for their essays. She also organized a panel on the topic at the 2010 Renaissance Society of America convention which resulted in an associated cluster of essays in Literature Compass. She also co-wrote the Introduction, pp. 1-15 and wrote Chapter 14, pp. 176-189. The collection connects to Scott-Baumann's research on early modern women and particularly on the ways in which their cultural activities show them to have interacted confidently with men, especially in the field of ‘high’ cultural production, without seeing themselves necessarily as part of a separate tradition. Her research focuses on women poets, and this collection allowed investigation also of women as patrons – both in the arts, and of clergymen- and as translators and correspondents.

Cross-referral requested
Research group
Proposed double-weighted
Double-weighted statement
Reserve for a double-weighted output
English abstract