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35 - Music, Drama, Dance and Performing Arts

King's College London : A - Music

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Output 22 of 58 in the submission
Title or brief description

Gregorio Allegri : Missa In lectulo meo, Missa Christus resurgens, Miserere, motets

Q - Digital or visual media
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The edition of Allegri’s Missa In lectulo meo and the motet on which it is based – Pierre Bonhomme’s In lectulo meo – were prepared from the original source in the Vatican by David Trendell, who also wrote the liner notes for the recording. The edition of the Missa Christus resurgens was prepared by Timothy Teague, then a student on the MMus in Choral Studies at Cambridge, with some informal guidance from Trendell. The other works on the recording are in editions already published.

The research and performance rationale behind the recording was that the composer was really known only for one very famous piece – the Miserere (which has a fascinating if convoluted compositional history) – and putting this as the centrepiece (and deliberately in the form that is most commonly performed today) we could explore other unknown works by a composer highly representative of the prima prattica style in Counter-Reformation Rome in the first half of the seventeenth century. Performance decisions were relatively easy, mostly the application of editorial accidentals according to the conventions of musica ficta and resolving some problems of textual underlay.

Cross-referral requested
Research group
Proposed double-weighted
Double-weighted statement
Reserve for a double-weighted output
English abstract