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Output details

35 - Music, Drama, Dance and Performing Arts

University of Huddersfield

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Output 46 of 71 in the submission
Title and brief description


J - Composition
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Sandbox#2 is a bespoke computer software instrument programmed in Max/MSP that interfaces with my electric bass to create an augmented performance environment. The significance of the research lies in the way it enables new notions of virtuosity across different modalities of decision-making in a blended situation engaging composition, improvisation and technology. On a technical level, the research specifically examines the efficiency gained through multi-parameter manipulation in ‘on-the-fly’ interpolating preset creation and the sonic feature extraction to control multi-parameter processes. A discussion of the ways this work advances ideas in artificial intelligence research—adapting Conway’s Game of Life to a sliding one-dimensional grid more appropriate to spectral processing—can be found in McLaughlin, S., Tremblay, P.A. (2010) SpectralConway: Cellular Automata Off the Grid. Proceedings of the ICMC 2010, New York pp. 68-71. ISSN 2223-3881. An articulation of the origin of the Sandbox#n series, and one particular experience of audio descriptor to synthesis parameter mapping in sandbox#2, can be found in Tremblay, P.A., Schwarz, D. (2010) Surfing the Waves: Live Audio Mosaicing of an Electric Bass Performance as a Corpus Browsing Interface. Proceedings of the NIME 2010, Sydney, pp. 447-450. Sandbox#2 has been used 14 times in London, Ljubljana, Paris, Manchester, Leeds, Brighton, Belfast with live recordings broadcast by Radio France. The instrument has also been used in concert and recording settings within the post-free-jazz ensemble Splice (London, Huddersfield, Strasbourg, Birmingham, Manchester, Basel), the duo @C (Porto) and de type inconnu (Montréal, Birmingham, London, Amsterdam, Lyon, Mons, Victoriaville). Recordings on which the software instrument features extensively include: 1) Splice (2011), LAB. Loop Collective, London. 2) de type inconnu (2011), de type inconnu. Ora, Montréal. 3) @c (2010), Homem Fantasma, Crónica, Porto.

Cross-referral requested
Research group
Proposed double-weighted
Double-weighted statement
Reserve for a double-weighted output
English abstract