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35 - Music, Drama, Dance and Performing Arts

Rose Bruford College

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Chapter title

'We All Need Stories’: The Politics of In-Yer-Face Theatre

C - Chapter in book
Publisher of book
Palgrave Macmillan
Book title
Cool Britannia? British Political Drama in the 1990s
ISBN of book
Year of publication
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Additional information

A chapter in a peer-reviewed academic book which brings together contributions from participants in the In-Yer-Face? British Drama in the 1990s conference at University of the West of England, Bristol, 6-7 September 2002. The conference was prompted by the author’s In-Yer-Face Theatre (2001), and participants, including playwrights such as David Eldridge and David Greig, critically discussed aspects of the book. This chapter is supported by several articles in peer-reviewed journals, such as ‘Still in-yer-face? Towards a critique and a summation’, New Theatre Quarterly 69, February 2002: pp 17-24, as well as conference contributions such as ‘What is in-yer-face theatre?’, a paper given at the In-Yer-Face Theatre: Sarah Kane and the New British Dramaturgy conference at Stendhal University 3, Grenoble, France, 10-11 May 2001, and ‘Beyond social realism and in-yer-face theatre: the future of new writing in Britain’ keynote speech at the 12th Contemporary Drama in English Conference on Extending the Code: New Forms of Dramatic and Theatrical Expression at Meissen, Germany, 19-22 June 2003.

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English abstract