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Case Study 1: Innovative computational linguistic technologies for language service providers (69K)
Case Study 2: Dante and Late Medieval Florence: Economic, Cultural and Religious Impact (57K)
Case Study 3: The Benefits of the ‘Cologne Edition' of Heinrich Böll for the commercial, cultural and heritage sectors (50K)
Case Study 4: The history and memory of the October 1961 anti-Algerian repression in Paris: enriching public understanding of the Franco-Algerian colonial past (63K)
Case Study 5: Influencing the cultural understanding and professional practice of performance across China and the West (103K)
Case Study 6: International Aid: Effecting Change in a Variety of Agencies’ Views and Practices in Relation to Non-traditional Aid Providers (47K)
Case Study 7: Chinese garden history and culture: enhancing cross-cultural understanding and professional practice (59K)