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35 - Music, Drama, Dance and Performing Arts

Queen's University Belfast

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String Quartets of Penderecki and Lutoslawski

Q - Digital or visual media
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This output consists of a CD release of string quartets by Lutoslawski and Penderecki on Hyperion (CDA67943), performed and recorded by the Royal String Quartet, in residence at Queen’s University Belfast since 2012. The output belongs to the four members of the quartet, however research by Szalak-Zimak underpins the work through her leadership in the interpretation of the pieces.

This is the Royal String Quartet‘s third recording of Polish repertoire. The composers included are two of the most renowned 20th century Polish composers, demonstrating three entirely different composing techniques through the works recorded here.

Two of three of Penderecki’s string quartets stem from his avant-garde period of the 1960s, while his third quartet was composed in 2007. In contrast, Lutoslawski’s quartet (1965) is representative of his unique controlled aleatoric composition technique. This interpretation focuses on two aspects: the architecture of the work and the numerous details, such as the use of vibrato and colouring of each sound, in order to make every motive sonically unique while linking the apparent ill-fitting motives into the overall form of the work. This interpretation makes a unique contribution to existing recordings by focusing on a new reading of the music, which explores, for example, a controlled use of various degrees of vibrato; exaggerated, histerical vibrato (in section 1 – 2 in the Introductory Movement and sections 35 – 36 in the Main Movement), in contrast to very wide and slow vibrato (e.g. Funebre in theMain Movement).

The Quartet’s interpretation of these works resulted in a widely acclaimed recording (evidenced by an IRR Outstanding Award and reviews on BBC Music Magazine, April 2013, Gramophone, May 2013 and the Strad April 2013).

Cross-referral requested
Research group
Proposed double-weighted
Double-weighted statement
Reserve for a double-weighted output
English abstract