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Output details

32 - Philosophy

University of Sheffield

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Book title

Knowledge on Trust

A - Authored book
Publisher of book
Oxford University Press
ISBN of book
Year of publication
Number of additional authors
Additional information

The book develops and extends three of the four outputs selected for the 2008 RAE. "On Telling and Trusting" and "What is Wrong with Lying?" - outputs 1 and 2 of 4 - both employ an analysis (of trust) and an idea (that trust gives a reason for belief) that figure prominently in chapter 6 of the book. "On the Rationality of Our Response to Testimony" - output 3 of 4 - offers an argument (in defense of reductive views of testimony) that is developed in chapter 2 of the book. However, chapters 2 and 6 go substantially beyond these papers in their formulations, and chapters 1, 3, 4, 5, and 7 have no ancestors in previous papers.

Cross-referral requested
Research group
Proposed double-weighted
Double-weighted statement

A double-weighting request is made for this output because even though it develops and extends earlier papers - see additional information below for a more detailed specification of how - it represents a great deal more research than a single paper. It engages with existing positions in the epistemology of testimony and presents a sustained and complex argument for an original position. This is a substantial and original piece of research, which occupied the bulk of my research time in this REF period, and whose scope and ambition is far beyond that of an article.

Reserve for a double-weighted output
English abstract