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34 - Art and Design: History, Practice and Theory

University of Sunderland

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Title and brief description

Virus Table - An interactive artwork linking the virus with the computer virus

L - Artefact
St John’s College University of Oxford
Year of production
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Richardson was commissioned to make interactive work that could reflect upon the science of viruses. Building on previous interactive works, Richardson explored the visualisation of viruses spread by human contact. Inspired by the structured simplicity of lace pattern, the work uses interactive, computational technology to create work which has a resonance with traditional design processes and aesthetics, and further develops ideas of the digital decorative design. Translating the idea of the interactive wall surface pattern in previous work to an interactive table surface design, the research addressed new approaches in terms of use development of user interaction, creating a new context for the computationally created decorative design elements to be viewed and experienced. Virus Table is a unique touch-sensitive table which creates a visual response to users as they place their hands on its surface.

Virus Table was commissioned for and exhibited at ‘Virus: Bad News Wrapped in a Protein’ a multi-disciplinary exhibition exploring visual and aesthetic responses to the power of viruses at St John’s College University of Oxford (10 September – 9 October 2011).

Cross-referral requested
Research group
C - Design4Science
Proposed double-weighted
Double-weighted statement
Reserve for a double-weighted output
English abstract