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34 - Art and Design: History, Practice and Theory

University of Sunderland

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Virus: Bad News wrapped in Protein - An exhibition looking at artists and designers responses to the science of viruses

M - Exhibition
St John's College, Oxford.
Year of first exhibition
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Continuing Wheeler’s research in the visual communication of science, she was invited by St John’s College Oxford to curate an exhibition featuring art works engaged with the science of viruses. The exhibition concept, developed by Wheeler, featured a brief scientific history of how viruses have been discovered and understood and juxtaposed this with the creative contemporary artworks, selected by Wheeler to challenge and question views of this area of science. Wheeler also included her own works, which explored the impact of the work by the Nobel Laureate Harold zur Hausen and the connection he made between the Papilomma virus and cervical cancer. Wheeler visually connects the structure of the Papilloma virus to the mathematical explorations of the designer Buckminster Fuller. Underpinning her illustrative exploration of the scientific research and the work of Buckminster Fuller is her assertion that scientific research does not exist in isolation from social and cultural change. As curator, Wheeler provides an insight into the connections which can be made between art, design and scientific research. The exhibition received 650 visitors and was presided over by Sir Michael Scholar, then President of St John's College. Wheeler presented a paper to St John’s College, Oxford alumni about the curating the exhibition and gave a public lecture during Oxford Universities annual Open Doors week, about cross discipline research activity. Wheeler also gave a paper on the connections about the exhibition at Gotthenburg University on 8th November 2011.

Cross-referral requested
Research group
C - Design4Science
Proposed double-weighted
Double-weighted statement
Reserve for a double-weighted output
English abstract