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Output details

34 - Art and Design: History, Practice and Theory

Southampton Solent University

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Title and brief description

Salvem el Cabanyal, interactive performance

I - Performance
Valencia, Spain
Year of first performance
Number of additional authors
Additional information

El Cabanyal is a culturally important neighbourhood in Valencia and despite having Historic Quarter status since 1993 it is now under threat from a municipal project that threatens to extend an avenue through the middle of this historically important area. Since 1998, the residents and the artistic community living in this area have been resisting these plans using various political and artistic interventions. These are documented on the Salvem el Cabanyal website:

Their actions were recently internationally recognised by a 2013 Europa Nostra Cultural Heritage award:

In 2013 I was invited by the Cabanyal association and the Laboritorio de Luz, the Univesita Politechnica de Valencia’s new media research centre, to contribute to a week-long series of events that included open-house exhibitions, street theatre, concerts, public talks and interactive performances.

My contribution was underpinned by socio-historical research into the neighbourhood, presented as an interactive performance. The performance consisted of sonically activated data-projections on a Cabanyal house façade, which were triggered by my saxophone playing from the balcony opposite. It took place at night and was modelled on the Spanish religious ritual known as la saeta, a lament sung from a balcony to the crowds below, some of whom are carrying the sculptural personification of Christ crucified through the streets during La samana santa (the Easter holy processions). An audience of approximately 300 gathered in the street to watch the interactive performance.

Cross-referral requested
Research group
D - Interactive Media
Proposed double-weighted
Double-weighted statement
Reserve for a double-weighted output
English abstract